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UE Systems Europe B.V.

Ultrasound: Achieving energy savings by detecting compressed air leaks

With energy prices at an all-time high, it’s now more important than ever for maintenance teams to focus on detecting compressed air leaks at their industrial facilities.



It is estimated that more than 50% of all compressed air systems have energy efficiency problems, and losses from such systems can be very costly. About 30% of all industrial compressed air is lost due to leaks, generating a huge economical and energetic waste. Just think that a leak of just 3mm can cost up to 574€ per year if it is not detected (on a 5 bar pressure system). Thus, detecting and repairing compressed air leaks may lead to huge energy savings.

Why Use Ultrasound for Leak Detection

Using the characteristics of Ultrasound, locating leaks is fast and easy to do so because of:
– Directionality of sound waves makes locating the source easy
– Intensity of signal: the closer you get, the more sound you detect
– Fixed frequency, making it effective to locate even in a loud factory environment

As any gas (air, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) passes through a leak orifice, it generates a turbulent flow with detectable high frequency components. By scanning the test area with an ultrasound instrument, a leak can be heard through the headset as a rushing sound or noted on the display/meter. The closer the instrument is to the leak, the louder the rushing sound and the higher the reading.

Ultrasonic Cameras for Compressed Air Leak Detection

Traditional ultrasonic inspection instruments are effective, but work only with sound. With the most recent developments in ultrasound technology for leak detection, there are ultrasonic cameras available which allow the user to see the leak on a screen, in real-time. Maintenance professionals can easily find compressed air leaks (or any other compressed gas) by simply switching on the camera and watch how the leak locations show up on the screen. This way, it is possible to quickly cover a large area and find a significant amount of leaks, even at a safe distance.


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